- They receive sensory stimuli but interpret or structure them very little or in a limited way
- Sensory stimuli are not assimilated normally understood so that they have approximate way of understanding, living and structuring their environment
- Mildly mentally disabled
- Moderately mentaly disabled
- severly mentally disabled
- profoundly mentally disabled
Main Characteristic
- their intelligence is limited
- the meaning of life is limited and more general
- their verbal development is very limited
- they interpret reality fragmentary
- their cognitive development is hampered
- their memory is less structured
- their shoe impulsive behavior
- rigidity symptoms\
- their self-image is threaten
- they overestimate physical performances
- increased vulnerability
- increased dependency on others
- affective competence approaches normality
- egocentric and unstable (cf. Prof. Dr. M Van Walleghem)
Deatials for pastoral care
- pastoral care among them is possible
- the hcice of conte4nt is limeited
- the main points about the Faith can be taught
- specail study of their verbal capacity is to be made: simple structures;much repetition
- language is to be supported by visual and auditive means
- historical data of Christology are less important
- pastoral experices are to repeated in other places;conveyance is hampered
- make them expericen the beautty of nature:contact, living, enlarign, religious meanign gare necessary
- visual matter concentrates on othe essence of what is to be taught
- pastoral workers shoudl be realistic
- the severre the disability the styrogher the support given by th ebelieving community sohoud be
Possibilites and limitations with regard to catechesis and liturgy:
- special attention for the use of symbols in liturgical pastoral care
- adaptaton of the liturgical and catechetical langauge is needed
- making good use of experessive techniques in liturgy and catechesis
- team work in liturgy an catechesis
- miracles are "common" to meatally disable: they are not easily amazed
- sacramental life needs special attention
- their moral foundation is weak
- the logival structure of catechesis is of less importance ot them
- group acitons are all right, but individual teaching is necessary
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